Swiss Robotics Day

Sparksense workshop

Accelerate Sales for your Tech

From 16:30 to 17:30 at Rio room in Congress Center, Messe Basel by Sparksense

This 60-min interactive workshop is your opportunity to gain a strong foundation of
Business Development fundamentals. Our goal is for each participant to take away at least one actionable solution to a burning commercial problem for his/her company.
The Robotics & automation market is consolidating rapidly. This is a unique opportunity for novel solution providers to launch new products and scale-up. Sparksense’s team has been engaged with OEM’s, Integrators and End users in Europe, North America and also Asia.

We have helped launch Mobile Robots Fleet Management Systems, wireless opportunity charging, inspection drones for confined space inspection, Battery Management or localization and navigation software and Hardware. We have also helped launch novel no-code programming solutions and unique Hardware for Industrial Robots

We will address four key Sales Topics in small breakout teams:

A team of 4 – 5 participants will discuss related challenges and remedial actions.

  1. Value-based Pricing: How do you capture value from your solution for the Proof of Concept & beyond?
  2. Find new customers for your business: How do you identify, grow and manage from qualified leads, early adopters, to new customers?
  3. Define & present key product features: How do you communicate, demo, assess and prioritize key product features? Or should you be a licensing business?
  4. Know your customer & channels: Who are your real target customers? How do you shape your market access? Which sales channels?

Our Agenda

Setting the stage
Welcome & Intro from Innovation Booster
Robotics Introduction from Sparksense
“4 ingredients for a successful Business Development”
Tackle your priorities
Breakout sessions to tackle your chosen topic
Discuss challenges, share ideas
Define action points for your business
Regroup and share
Share discussion take-aways and action points
Session wrap-up and final Q&A

Voila! Looking forward to an interesting, insightful and fun session together!
Innovation Booster Robotics Team & Sparksense

Facilitator for this session

Hervé Flutto, Entrepreneur, Founder of Sparksense

He loves to bring innovative Tech solutions to the market. He launched Sparksense in
2017 to contribute his experience, energy and drive to help grow B2B Tech startups in Europe, North America and now Asia. Business manager by training, Entrepreneur by passion he wants to share his experience with like- minded people.

Solutions he and his team have worked with include Localization & Navigation
Software, Ultrasonic sensors, advanced IoT sensors, inspection drones, wireless AGV charging and Interoperable Mobile Robot Fleet Management Software. is an entrepreneur-driven advisory firm passionate to help Startups grow
their top-line and build lasting partnerships.